400 “Bad Request” |
The request is invalid. For example, something is missing in it or there is a syntax error. |
401 “Unauthorized” |
Authorisation data are not valid or missing. |
403 “Forbidden” |
Access is not allowed. For example, there are no permissions for the request. |
404 “Not Found” |
The requested object does not exist. |
405 “Method Not Allowed” |
Initialized method is not supported for the request-URI. |
406 “Not Acceptable” |
The resource cannot generate a response in the format specified in the request (the accept header has an invalid type). |
409 “Conflict” |
The change is being rejected due to a condition imposed by the server. The reasons for that may vary and may be described in the response. |
413 “Request Entity Too Large” |
The client requests more objects than the allowed maximum is. |
415 “Unsupported Media Type” |
Invalid content-type header. |
500 “Internal Server Error” |
Server-side error. The request cannot be processed. |
501 “Not Implemented” |
The request method is not supported by the API. |
503 “Service Unavailable” |
The store is closed or is being upgraded to a new version. |
507 “Insufficient Storage” |
The server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request. |
509 “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” |
The requests-per-hour limitations for the API have been reached. |