Local Business | Manufacturer | International Distribution |
If you sell locally, have one or more stores, and need excellent suppliers to keep your consumers satisfied, this is the platform for you. Not only will you gain better results by increasing your sales results through online channels as well, but you will always have quality suppliers available through our digital catalog. | If you are a manufacturer and do not want to deal with sales at all, then this is just the system for you. Because we generate the market for you, take care of all your sales and marketing activities and best of all, we do it all for sales commission only. Connect Marketplace gives you clear predictions and feedback from the market to better direct resources in your production. | For all those who distribute their products internationally and already have their existing distribution network or are just planning to build it, our system will delight them, because they can manage all their local sites in every country from one system. By doing so, they provide better support to their distributors, and product information is only uploaded once. |
![]() Nema hostinga
Kompletan sustav radi s jednog servera
Iako na Connect Marketplace platformi možete kreirati instancu svoje eCommerce aplikacije, koja je u potpunosti neovisna i smještena na vlastitoj domeni vaše tvrtke, naš kompletan sustav radi na jednom velikom serverskom sustavu. Samim time nemate zasebne troškove hostinga za vašu internet trgovinu.
![]() Nema troškova razvoja i održavanja
Razvojem i održavanjem upravljamo mi
Preko 6 velikih ažuriranja sustava godišnje i mjesečno oko 2 nova modula za prodaju, marketing, logistiku ili naplatu postavljaju se na našu marketplace platformu. Svaka nadogradnja dostupna je svim prodavateljima bez dodatnih naknada.
![]() Upravljanje sadržajem
Postavljanje i održavanje ponude
Generalno tvrtke u prosjeku trebaju zaposliti barem 2 - 4 čovjeka samo za održavanje sadržaja na stranici. Obzirom na naš koncept rada, nama je u interesu da su sadržaji i ponuda na stranici što bolje uređeni i pravovremeno postavljeni. Kvalitetno postavljena ponuda jamči bolju prodaju.
![]() Nema troškova marketinga
Digitalni marketing putem naših kanala
Vaša kompletna ponuda optimizira se maksimalno za pretraživače i povezuje sa svim dostupnim kanalima društvenih mreža. Sva marketinška aktivnost pokrivena je prodajnom provizijom, no svakako dodatno možete sve pojačati i putem vaših kanala, angažirajte nas s povjerenjem.
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer creates the initial brand store and puts up its primary digital catalog. This alone makes it accessible to all distributors within our system, enabling them to work with the manufacturer. |
Distributor |
Distributors establish partnerships with manufacturers, typically work locally, keep their goods in their warehouses, and create B2B wholesale internet sites that are accessible to vendors. |
Vendors |
Vendors establish their online shops, work with distributors, and build a customer base. Vendors can connect to our system and integrate all of their stores and warehouses, showing the exact status of every item in every location (ideally connected to the ERP system). |