Connect Marketplace
Marketing i prodaja temeljena na učinku
Prije svega, željeli bismo naglasiti temeljne razlike između tradicionalnih sustava marketplacea i našeg Connect Marketplacea. Naša platforma, osim što je Multi-Vendor, je i Multi-Store platforma, što nam omogućuje stvaranje jedinstvene web stranice za svakog prodavača na njegovoj vlastitoj domeni. Dodatno, nudimo kompletnu eCommerce aplikaciju koja je potpuno brendirana i prilagođena potrebama prodavača. Zapravo, većina posjetitelja neće ni shvatiti da se nalaze na platformi Connect Marketplace jer se jako trudimo predstaviti vaše poslovanje profesionalno koliko to i zaslužuje.

Connect Marketplace osmišljen je za pružanje besprijekornog i personaliziranog iskustva za prodavače i kupce. S našom platformom prodavači mogu jednostavno upravljati svojom internetskom trgovinom i izložiti svoje proizvode na način koji odražava njihov brend. Kupci, s druge strane, lako pronalaze ono što traže i s povjerenjem kupuju. Shvaćamo da je svaka tvrtka jedinstvena i zato nudimo niz mogućnosti prilagodbe kako bismo osigurali da se vaša internetska trgovina ističe u gomili. Od prilagođenog brendiranja do prilagođenih popisa proizvoda, blisko surađujemo s našim prodavačima kako bismo stvorili platformu koja zadovoljava njihove specifične potrebe.
One server, multiple web stores, and numerous merchants
One great network
Frontend Developers Marketing/Design Agencies Freelance designers
If you have the coding skills required to construct the site's front-end, you've come to the correct place. You only need to know HTML, CSS, and JS to participate effectively in this package. Our system is entirely made up of modules, and each store instance is built in this manner. All that is needed to obtain the desired visual effect is to apply CSS to the existing modules. Marketing agencies can easily expand their portfolio by using our advanced eCommerce system. The greatest value that comes from your agency is the idea, and Connect Marketplace can practically build whatever your creative minds come up with. You can better control your clients within your system without relying on external developer services. Designers that operate independently can be a very innovative resource of quality content. Clients who engage a certain designer and are satisfied with his solution, frequently demand cooperation in all other fields, so why not add eCommerce to the offer when all you need to do is submit a template and our developers will put together the page.
Throughout our years of developing individual projects for businesses of all sizes, we have encountered a multitude of distribution issues that our clients have faced, particularly those operating on a global scale. We understand the exorbitant costs associated with corporate projects, not only in terms of development but also maintenance. The need for separate upgrades in each country can be a significant expense, and the process of repeating and rewriting information for each distributor is both time-consuming and costly. It simply doesn't make sense.
To address these challenges, we have developed a revolutionary system that functions as a Multi-Vendor and Multi-Store platform. Our system allows manufacturers to create a Digital Catalog that can be shared by all of their distributors worldwide with just a click of a button within our internal B2B marketplace. This innovative solution eliminates the need for repetitive data entry and streamlines the distribution process, saving businesses time and money.
Our system is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, providing businesses with a seamless experience. With our platform, businesses can easily manage their products, vendors, and orders, all in one place. Our goal is to help businesses overcome the challenges of global distribution and provide them with a cost-effective solution that simplifies the process.
Local Business Manufacturer International Distribution
If you sell locally, have one or more stores, and need excellent suppliers to keep your consumers satisfied, this is the platform for you. Not only will you gain better results by increasing your sales results through online channels as well, but you will always have quality suppliers available through our digital catalog. If you are a manufacturer and do not want to deal with sales at all, then this is just the system for you. Because we generate the market for you, take care of all your sales and marketing activities and best of all, we do it all for sales commission only. Connect Marketplace gives you clear predictions and feedback from the market to better direct resources in your production. For all those who distribute their products internationally and already have their existing distribution network or are just planning to build it, our system will delight them, because they can manage all their local sites in every country from one system. By doing so, they provide better support to their distributors, and product information is only uploaded once.
There are many marketplace platforms, all over the globe. In general, their focus is on promoting themselves by subsuming all the offers under their own brand. Our concept is different. Our aim is to give all the credit to product manufacturers, bringing them much closer to their customers and bringing all of the market, analytics and sales data closer to the brand owners. Do we miss out on advantages that other marketplace platforms enjoy? No - in fact, we retain all the benefits the marketplace offers, while moving a step ahead with our marketplace main category system. Our approach means much less confusion and much more visibility: your products are not obscured by endless categorizations but highlighted in 12 distinct marketplace storefront categories.
On our platform, we generate multiple channels for each vendor. Very important first step is to create your Brand Store on our platform because that is the beginning of our sales process. Your Brand Store is a cornerstone of our campaigns, SEO, and all the advertising tools for search engines and social media, but to increase visibility even further, we always "mirror" your products in your store on one or more of our themed marketplace storefronts, and to top it all off, our entire offer is visible on our mobile app, where all the vendors are present.
We want you to recognize that you are present on more channels, but each of them will be indexed separately by search engines, which means you can outperform your competition not just with one store or marketplace, but with several. That provides you a lot of advertising space on search engines and social media
Uštedite na razvoju i održavanju
Napredan sustav online prodaje aktivan unutar nekoliko radnih dana
Nema hostinga
Kompletan sustav radi s jednog servera
Iako na Connect Marketplace platformi možete kreirati instancu svoje eCommerce aplikacije, koja je u potpunosti neovisna i smještena na vlastitoj domeni vaše tvrtke, naš kompletan sustav radi na jednom velikom serverskom sustavu. Samim time nemate zasebne troškove hostinga za vašu internet trgovinu.
Nema troškova razvoja i održavanja
Razvojem i održavanjem upravljamo mi
Preko 6 velikih ažuriranja sustava godišnje i mjesečno oko 2 nova modula za prodaju, marketing, logistiku ili naplatu postavljaju se na našu marketplace platformu. Svaka nadogradnja dostupna je svim prodavateljima bez dodatnih naknada.
Upravljanje sadržajem
Postavljanje i održavanje ponude
Generalno tvrtke u prosjeku trebaju zaposliti barem 2 - 4 čovjeka samo za održavanje sadržaja na stranici. Obzirom na naš koncept rada, nama je u interesu da su sadržaji i ponuda na stranici što bolje uređeni i pravovremeno postavljeni. Kvalitetno postavljena ponuda jamči bolju prodaju.
Nema troškova marketinga
Digitalni marketing putem naših kanala
Vaša kompletna ponuda optimizira se maksimalno za pretraživače i povezuje sa svim dostupnim kanalima društvenih mreža. Sva marketinška aktivnost pokrivena je prodajnom provizijom, no svakako dodatno možete sve pojačati i putem vaših kanala, angažirajte nas s povjerenjem.
Nema hostinga
Kompletan sustav radi s jednog servera
Iako na Connect Marketplace platformi možete kreirati instancu svoje eCommerce aplikacije, koja je u potpunosti neovisna i smještena na vlastitoj domeni vaše tvrtke, naš kompletan sustav radi na jednom velikom serverskom sustavu. Samim time nemate zasebne troškove hostinga za vašu internet trgovinu.
Nema troškova razvoja i održavanja
Razvojem i održavanjem upravljamo mi
Preko 6 velikih ažuriranja sustava godišnje i mjesečno oko 2 nova modula za prodaju, marketing, logistiku ili naplatu postavljaju se na našu marketplace platformu. Svaka nadogradnja dostupna je svim prodavateljima bez dodatnih naknada.
Upravljanje sadržajem
Postavljanje i održavanje ponude
Generalno tvrtke u prosjeku trebaju zaposliti barem 2 - 4 čovjeka samo za održavanje sadržaja na stranici. Obzirom na naš koncept rada, nama je u interesu da su sadržaji i ponuda na stranici što bolje uređeni i pravovremeno postavljeni. Kvalitetno postavljena ponuda jamči bolju prodaju.
Nema troškova marketinga
Digitalni marketing putem naših kanala
Vaša kompletna ponuda optimizira se maksimalno za pretraživače i povezuje sa svim dostupnim kanalima društvenih mreža. Sva marketinška aktivnost pokrivena je prodajnom provizijom, no svakako dodatno možete sve pojačati i putem vaših kanala, angažirajte nas s povjerenjem.
Manufacturers & Distributors
We support the entire distribution process
As a manufacturer, create your own distribution network to fully control the market. Our technology enables you to keep an eye on all operations involving your products, improving production and distribution efficiency. Step in to contact with distributors who are interested in your goods fast and effectively.

As a distributor, you may easily and quickly connect with reputable manufacturers to add high-quality products to your offering. You can easily include them in your offer with one click and start selling because manufacturers create their digital catalogs and upload their products to our internal marketplace.
The manufacturer creates the initial brand store and puts up its primary digital catalog. This alone makes it accessible to all distributors within our system, enabling them to work with the manufacturer.
Distributors establish partnerships with manufacturers, typically work locally, keep their goods in their warehouses, and create B2B wholesale internet sites that are accessible to vendors.
Vendors establish their online shops, work with distributors, and build a customer base. Vendors can connect to our system and integrate all of their stores and warehouses, showing the exact status of every item in every location (ideally connected to the ERP system).
Our main goal was to make it possible for all distribution system participants to collaborate and exchange information more readily by putting them all on the same platform. Additionally, any change in the distribution system does not result in a significant disruption in business, manufacturers can feel considerably more at ease creating their own distribution network. For instance, a manufacturer may lose a distributor due to the resignation or closure of their business, or any other reason, but the entire sales platform, customer information, and customer communications all remain in the same system, making it simple for the manufacturer to find a replacement and carry on with business as usual.
Making a high-quality digital catalog of your product is all it takes to take the globe by storm with your products. Use all the resources we provide you with and put in your best effort. Create explicit pricing, wholesale price lists, quantity discounts, thorough product descriptions, features, and filters, as well as instructional videos, catalogs, flyers, and everything else that could be required to market your product. All of your distributors and partners will subsequently be able to add your product to their offerings with a single click, therefore it is sufficient to enter all of this information only once.
Connect Marketplace Digital Catalog
If you are a manufacturer, one of the most significant benefits you can provide to your partners is ready-made sales materials, and with our system, you provide them with a completely ready-made sales platform that they can customize to themselves and their needs with only a few clicks.
Customers - Analytics that makes difference
Given the variety of our vendors, our system provides you with a clear image of our customers' shopping preferences
We follow extremely simple guidelines. Of course, the entire database of registered users is in one location, and we are quite happy that this is one of our system's biggest advantages, but in order for the user to be accessible to you, he must make at least one purchase on your system. As a user of our program, you will get complete analytics of your clients' purchasing patterns, but even deeper insights for specialized campaigns and rapid market expansion will be provided by us. As a consequence, we can accurately identify the users who are interested in your product and are the best to target for quick results.
The fact that we have accompanied several projects in which distribution partners had to go through the pain and bother of putting up absolutely identical data, just in a different country on a different platform, was the fundamental inspiration for inventing the Digital Catalog. Changes to the product description, photographs, or enhancements that would help clients in sales had to be transmitted as an email, notification, etc., and each partner in that chain had to edit it manually. There is a lot of possibility for inaccuracy and erroneous data, which can seriously impact sales performance.
If you are a manufacturer, one of the most significant benefits you can provide to your partners is ready-made sales materials, and with our system, you provide them with a completely ready-made sales platform that they can customize to themselves and their needs with only a few clicks.
Content Managment & Marketing services
Within our commision we take care of your content and marketing over our channel
What does our 5% commision cover?
All our marketing activities
That are covered within our commision
Do you want us to manage your social media accounts as well?
See all of our additional marketing services that can help you increase your visibility and sales