

Orders are what an online store is about. Customers submit orders at checkout after adding at least one product to cart. Administrators can work with the submitted orders and add new orders themselves.

List All Orders

To get a list of orders, send a GET request to /api/orders/:

GET /api/orders/

This request returns 10 orders with a short list of details for each order.

Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering

Add these parameters to the path to specify which orders will be returned in the response and how they will be organized:

Parameter Default value Description
page 1 The response to GET /api/orders/ is a page with a limited number of orders. This parameter determines the number of the page that will be sent in the response.
items_per_page 10 Determines the number of orders on a page.
sort_by date Determines the parameter by which the orders are sorted in the response.
sort_order desc
Determines the sorting order:
Searches only for the orders with the specified status. Status names and functions are configured by store owners and may vary from store to store.
These default order statuses can be edited, but can’t be deleted:
Y—awaiting call
user_id   Searches only for the orders placed by the customer with the specified ID.
company_id   Searches only for the orders placed on the specific storefront (in CS-Cart) or at the specific vendor (in Multi-Vendor).
email   Searches only for the orders placed by the customer with the specified email.
invoice_id   Searches only for the orders with the specified invoice ID.
credit_memo_id   Searches only for the orders with the specified credit memo ID.
updated_at_from updated_at_to   Searches only for the orders last modified during the specified date period.


  • GET /api/orders/?page=5&items_per_page=5&status=C

    Response is an array with 5 orders from the 5th page of the list of complete orders.

  • GET /api/orders/?email=customer@example.com&company_id=2

    Response is an array with 10 orders placed by the customer with the specified email at the storefront (in CS-Cart) or with the vendor (in Multi-Vendor) with company_id=2.

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET /api/orders/?items_per_page=2

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK. The response is JSON with the following data:

  "orders": [
    "order_id": "97",
    "issuer_id": null,
    "user_id": "3",
    "is_parent_order": "N",
    "parent_order_id": "0",
    "company_id": "1",
    "timestamp": "1456917981",
    "firstname": "George",
    "lastname": "Nills",
    "email": "dsds@example.com",
    "phone": "+1 646-386-3600",
    "status": "O",
    "total": "677.95",
    "invoice_id": null,
    "credit_memo_id": null,
    "points": null
    "order_id": "96",
    "issuer_id": null,
    "user_id": "3",
    "is_parent_order": "N",
    "parent_order_id": "0",
    "company_id": "1",
    "timestamp": "1456917981",
    "firstname": "Customer",
    "lastname": "Customer",
    "email": "customer@example.com",
    "phone": "",
    "status": "C",
    "total": "972.00",
    "invoice_id": null,
    "credit_memo_id": null,
    "points": null
"params": {
    "page": 1,
    "items_per_page": "2",
    "ajax_custom": "1",
    "include_incompleted": false,
    "sort_order": "desc",
    "sort_by": "date",
    "sort_order_rev": "asc",
    "total_items": "64"

Get a Specific Order

To get the full list of details of a specific order, send a GET request to /api/orders/<order_id>/. For example:

GET /api/orders/100

Response Format

  • The order exists: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with order details.
  • The order doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Order Details

The fields below represent various order details.


The CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Values column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Field Values Description
order_id integer A unique identifier of the order.
Multi-Vendor uses parent orders internally to process the initial order via the payment processor. Parent orders don’t appear on the order list in the Administration panel.
parent_order_id integer If an order includes products from several vendors, then a parent order and separate orders for each vendor are created. These separate orders are linked to the ID of the parent order.
status string The status of the order. A unique letter of the English alphabet is assigned to every order status as a means to refer to it.
timestamp integer The UNIX time when the order was placed.
company_id integer ID of the associated storefront (in CS-Cart) or vendor (in Multi-Vendor).
issuer_id integer ID of the administrator who created the order via the admin panel.
user_id integer A unique identifier of the user who placed the order. Orders placed by guests have user_id=0.
firstname string Customer’s first name.
lastname string Customer’s last name.
email string Customer’s email.
phone string Customer’s phone number.
ip_address string Customer’s IP address.
lang_code string The code of the language which the customer selected when placing the order, for example en.
localization_id integer ID of the localization. Note: Localizations are deprecated and disabled by default.
total float The sum to be paid by the customer.
discount float Total discount.
subtotal float The order subtotal.
subtotal_discount float Discount on the order subtotal.
display_subtotal float The subtotal that will be displayed.
invoice_id integer ID of the invoice.
credit_memo_id integer ID of the credit memo.
payment_id integer ID of the payment method.
payment_info array Payment information.
payment_method object The settings of the payment method.
payment_surcharge float The amount of payment surcharge.
Defines if the order was repaid.
products object The information about the ordered products.
promotion_ids string A string of promotion IDs separated by commas.
promotions array The data of applicable promotions.
Defines if the order requires shipping.
shipping_ids string IDs of the shipping methods.
shipping array The data of the shipping methods used in the order.
shipping_id integer ID of the shipping method.
Defines if the order requires shipments.
shipment_ids string A string of shipment IDs separated by commas.
shipping_cost float The shipping cost.
display_shipping_cost float The shipping cost that will be displayed.
Determines if the customer is exempt from taxes.
tax_subtotal float Subtotal tax.
taxes object The data of the applicable taxes.
notes string Customer’s notes about the order.
details string Administrator’s notes about the order.
s_address string Shipping address (the first field).
s_address_2 string Shipping address (the second field).
s_city string City (shipping address).
s_country string A 2-letter country code (shipping address).
s_country_descr string Country name (shipping address).
s_firstname string First name (shipping address).
s_lastname string Last name (shipping address).
s_phone string Phone number (shipping address).
s_state string State code (shipping address).
s_state_descr string State name (shipping address).
s_zipcode string Zip code (shipping address).
b_address string Billing address (the first field).
b_address_2 string Billing address (the second field).
b_city string City (billing address).
b_country string A 2-letter country code (billing address).
b_country_descr string Country name (billing address).
b_firstname string First name (billing address).
b_lastname string Last name (billing address).
b_phone string Phone number (billing address).
b_state string State code (billing address).
b_state_descr string State name (billing address).
b_zipcode string Zip code (billing address).

Create an Order

CS-Cart Send a POST request to /api/stores/<company_id>/orders/
Multi-Vendor Send a POST request to /api/orders/


A newly-created order will always have "status": "O". You can change it only when you update an order.

Pass the following fields with order details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the Content-Type. Required fields are marked with *:

  • user_id*—the unique identifier of the user. Can be omitted or set to 0 only if the request includes user_data.

  • payment_id*—ID of the payment method. The payment method must be available in the store.

  • shipping_id*—ID of the shipping method. The shipping method must be available in the store and configured to calculate the cost of shipping to the address you pass in the request.

    Beginning with version 4.3.7, you can specify an array of shipping method IDs as the value of shipping_id. The keys of the array would be the keys of the product groups in the cart.

    This comes useful when you create an order with the products from multiple vendors (in Multi-Vendor), or from multiple suppliers, or whenever else the products in the cart are separated into groups.

  • products*—an object (associative array) with the information about the ordered products. There are two ways how you can specify a product:

    • Way 1: Product IDs serve as the keys, and the values are product details:

      "products": {
          "241": {
              "amount": "1",
              "product_options": {
                 "12": "44",
                 "13": "48"


      If you want your order to have multiple instances of the same product, but with different selected options and option combination, don’t use product IDs as keys; use Way 2 instead.

    • Way 2: Keys are random numbers, and product IDs are included in the values among other product details:

      "products": {
        "1": {
            "product_id": "12",
            "amount": "1",
            "product_options": {
                "3": "12",
                "4": "17"
        "2": {
            "product_id": "12",
            "amount": "2",
            "product_options": {
                "3": "15",
                "4": "19"


    Product price is taken from the product settings, not from the JSON data. A discount on product can’t be specified in the POST request, but only in the PUT request.

    • amount*—the amount of this particular product that is being ordered.
    • product_options—an object (associative array) that describes the options and option variants of the product. Option ID serves as the key, and option variant serves as the value.
  • user_data—an object (associative array) with the customer’s data. If you specify a user_id other than 0, this parameter won’t be considered and can be omitted. If user_id is omitted or set to 0, user_data is required:

    "user_data": {
      "email": "email@example.com",
      "b_firstname": "John",
      "b_lastname": "Doe",
      "b_address": "44 Main street",
      "b_city": "Boston",
      "b_state": "MA",
      "b_country": "US",
      "b_zipcode": "02134",
      "b_phone": "",
      "s_firstname": "John",
      "s_lastname": "Doe",
      "s_address": "44 Main street",
      "s_city": "Boston",
      "s_state": "MA",
      "s_country": "US",
      "s_zipcode": "02134",
      "s_phone": ""
    • email*—customer’s e-mail
    • b_firstname*—first name (billing address)
    • b_lastname*—last name (billing address)
    • b_address*—address (billing address)
    • b_city*—city (billing address)
    • b_state*—2-symbol state code (billing address)
    • b_country*—2-letter country code (billing address)
    • b_zipcode*—zip code (billing address)
    • b_phone*—phone number (billing address)
    • s_firstname*—first name (shipping address)
    • s_lastname*—last name (shipping address)
    • s_address*—address (shipping address)
    • s_city*—city (shipping address)
    • s_state*—2-symbol state code (shipping address)
    • s_country*—2-symbol country code (shipping address)
    • s_zipcode*—zip code (shipping address)
    • s_phone*—phone number (shipping address)


    You can view the available country and state codes in the Administration panel of your store under Administration → Shipping & Taxes → States.

Way 1: Create an Order as an Existing User

CS-Cart Send a POST request to /api/stores/<company_id>/orders/
Multi-Vendor Send a POST request to /api/orders/

Required fields: user_id, payment_id, shipping_id, products

Example JSON:

  "user_id": "3",
  "shipping_id": "1",
  "payment_id": "2",
  "products": {
      "1": {
        "product_id": "12",
        "amount": "1"
      "2": {
        "product_id": "13",

This request places an order with the following properties:

  • Order was placed by the customer with user_id=3.
  • The shipping method with shipping_id=1 was chosen.
  • The payment method with payment_id=2 was chosen.
  • One product with product_id=12 and two products with product_id=13 were ordered.

Example JSON: Create an Order as an Existing User and Apply a Coupon

 "user_id": "3",
 "shipping_id": "1",
 "payment_id": "2",
 "products": {
     "1": {
       "product_id": "12",
       "amount": "5"
     "2": {
       "product_id": "13",
 "coupon_codes": {
     "1": "123"

This request:

  • places an order;
  • applies a coupon code 123 to the order;
  • decreases the order total.

Way 2: Create an Order as a Guest

CS-Cart Send a POST request to /api/stores/<company_id>/orders/
Multi-Vendor Send a POST request to /api/orders/

Required fields: user_data, payment_id, shipping_id, products

Example JSON:

 "user_id": "0",
 "payment_id": "2",
 "shipping_id": "1",
 "products": {
     "1": {
       "product_id": "12",
       "amount": "1"
     "2": {
 "user_data": {
    "firstname": "Guest",
    "lastname": "Guest",
    "s_firstname": "Guest",
    "s_lastname": "Guest",
    "s_country": "US",
    "s_city": "Boston",
    "s_state": "MA",
    "s_zipcode": "02125",
    "s_address": "44 Main street",
    "b_firstname": "Guest",
    "b_lastname": "Guest",
    "b_city": "Boston",
    "b_state": "MA",
    "b_address": "44 Main street"

This request is similar to the previous example, but the order is placed on behalf of a guest with the specified contact details.


Guests specify their address and contact information at checkout. That’s why you must pass the user_data object in the JSON when you place an order on behalf a guest.

Response Format

  • The order has been created successfully: HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the order ID:

     "order_id": "98"
  • The order couldn’t be created: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Update an Order

To update an existing order, send the PUT request to /api/orders/<order_id>/. For example:

PUT /api/orders/98

Pass the fields with order details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. None of the fields are required.

Example JSON: Change Status & Notify by Email

By default, when you change the order status via REST API, no email notifications are sent. However, you can use additional fields when updating an order, with 0 or 1 as values:

  • notify_user—this flag determines whether or not to send the notification to the customer.

  • notify_department—this flag determines whether or not to send the notification to the order department.

  • notify_vendor—this flag determines whether or not to send the notification to the vendor.


    The notify_vendor flag is available only in Multi-Vendor.

 "status": "P",
 "notify_user": "1",
 "notify_department": "1",
 "notify_vendor": "1"

This request sets the status of the order to P (Processed by default) and sends email notifications to the customer, the vendor, and the order department.

Example JSON: Change Products

 "products": {
   "1": {
     "product_id": "12",
     "amount": "1"
   "3": {
     "product_id": "241",
     "amount": "1",
      "product_options": {
         "12": "44",
         "13": "48"

This request changes the products assigned to the order. When we created order 98, it had one product with product_id=12 and two products with product_id=13. After this request the order will have one product with product_id=12, and one product with product_id=241.

As you can see, product 241 also has the option variants selected:

  • variant 44 of option 12.
  • variant 48 of option 13.


If an order has multiple products, make sure to specify them all when you update the products object with the PUT request. Products that are not specified in the PUT request will be removed from the order. The same applies to product option variants.

Example JSON: Change User Details and Order Total

 "total": "100"
 "user_data": {
   "email": "customer@example.com",
   "b_firstname": "John",
   "b_lastname": "Doe",
   "s_firstname": "John",
   "s_lastname": "Doe"

This request:

  • changes the name of the customer in the billing and shipping address to John Doe;
  • changes the customer’s email to customer@example.com;


This won’t change the name or email of the user—only the name and email on the order page will change.

  • sets the order total to $100 (if U.S. dollar is the primary currency of your store).


If you try to specify the total and other parameters that can affect it (like discount or subtotal_discount) in the JSON at the same time, then total will always take priority. You can specify total, but not subtotal in the JSON.

Response Format

  • The order has been updated successfully: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and the order ID:

     "order_id": "98"
  • The order couldn’t be updated: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

  • The order doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Delete an Order

To delete an order, send the DELETE request to /api/orders/<order_id>/. For example:

DELETE /api/orders/98/

This request will delete an order with order_id=98.

Response Format

  • The order has been deleted successfully: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.
  • The order couldn’t be deleted: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
  • The order doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.


