
Afilijacijski i Partnerski sustav

Connect Marketplace otvorio je svoj sustav prema partnerima iz cijelog svijeta kako bi surađivali u izgradnji distribucijske mreže vrhunskih prodavača, kao i mreže stručnjaka za marketing i kreiranje sadržaja, koristeći jednostavnu i sveobuhvatnu afilijacijsku platformu. Pozivamo i pozdravljamo vaše sudjelovanje kao našeg suradnika i želimo vam pomoći na bilo koji način kako bismo vašu prodaju učinili što lakšom i učinkovitijom. Postoje brojni načini na koje možete surađivati s nama na različitim razinama.

Connect Marketplace namijenjen je trgovcima koji žele primati provizije za bilo koju prodaju ostvarenu putem našeg partnerskog programa. Poštujemo svoje partnere i želimo biti sigurni da najbolji prodavači budu najbolje nagrađeni.
In order to enter our platform easily, and see what affiliate plan would be best for you, you can enter our Explorer affiliate plan and test all the possibilities.
Action Count Sum Average
Referral link click 2 $0.24 $0.12
New customer 1 $43.05 $43.05
New vendor 1 $267.97 $267.97
Total 4 $311.26 $77.82
Become our broker
Enter our Manager affiliate plan and start putting other vendors on our platform
The first and most crucial stage on our platform is to attract as many quality merchants as possible in order to build a strong and efficient network of manufacturers who market their products and services and vendors who represent them in various markets.
Connect Marketplace is the most effective platform for manufacturers, and we deliver the biggest benefits to manufacturers in terms of sales, marketing, and even internal organization.
Display your creativity
Join our development team and actively engage in the implementation of creative storefront solutions as well as our marketing services.
This plan was created specifically for designers and creative directors to collaborate with marketing and design agencies. Connect Marketplace now welcomes up to 20 new merchants per week on average. As a result, the number of storefronts that must be created is a significant blow to our creative department. Given that the objective of our platform is not the quantity of merchants, but the quality, and the quality of the product they supply, it is our sincere hope that their stores are always of the best grade and that they influence the trends of online business.
Frontend Developers Marketing/Design Agencies Freelance designers
Frontend Developers
If you have the coding skills required to construct the site's front-end, you've come to the correct place. You only need to know HTML, CSS, and JS to participate effectively in this package. Our system is entirely made up of modules, and each store instance is built in this manner. All that is needed to obtain the desired visual effect is to apply CSS to the existing modules.
Marketing/Design Agencies
Marketing agencies can easily expand their portfolio by using our advanced eCommerce system. The greatest value that comes from your agency is the idea, and Connect Marketplace can practically build whatever your creative minds come up with. You can better control your clients within your system without relying on external developer services.
Freelance designers
Designers that operate independently can be a very innovative resource of quality content. Clients who engage a certain designer and are satisfied with his solution, frequently demand cooperation in all other fields, so why not add eCommerce to the offer when all you need to do is submit a template and our developers will put together the page.
What do we reward
and what are the rates of Explorer plan

Affiliate plan

Life span of customer cookie (days): 60
Minimum commission payment: $1.08

Commission rates

Payout sales: 5%
New customer: $3.23
New affiliate: $32.29
New vendor: 5%
Creating a design template for a company creates a new value, and it goes without saying that this value originates from your end. We fully understand that, next to the provided commissions, businesses or individuals such as yourself will increase the total pricing for your design templates.
You run the show on social media?
or you are simply planning to expose your knowledge and talents to the world, then you are the right fit for us
Starting a YouTube channel is a difficult endeavor that, despite all of your hard work and attention, does not ensure success. Having a partner who still follows you with products and advertisements is a good wind in your sails.
Those who have already established themselves as influencers on YouTube channels or social networks such as Tik Tok or Instagram may only boost their revenue by promoting our vendor partners.
Frontend Developers Marketing/Design Agencies
If you have the coding skills required to construct the site's front-end, you've come to the correct place. You only need to know HTML, CSS, and JS to participate effectively in this package. Our system is entirely made up of modules, and each store instance is built in this manner. All that is needed to obtain the desired visual effect is to apply CSS to the existing modules. Marketing agencies can easily expand their portfolio by using our advanced eCommerce system. The greatest value that comes from your agency is the idea, and Connect Marketplace can practically build whatever your creative minds come up with. You can better control your clients within your system without relying on external developer services.
What do we reward
and what are the rates of Influencer plan

Affiliate plan

Life span of customer cookie (days): 60
Minimum commission payment: $300

Commission rates - Frontend Developers

Payout sales: 5%
New customer: $3.23
New affiliate: $32.29
New vendor: 55%

Commission rates - Designers

Payout sales: 5%
New customer: $3.23
New affiliate: $32.29
New vendor: 45%
Connect Marketplace BlogSpot
Read more about our affiliate program on our Blog